Recommended Products

Cat #: 37-208P10
Gilson FA10014 PIPETMAN L P12x10L, 12 Channel, .05 - 10ul, 1 Pipettor/Unit
12 Channel, .05 - 10ul
1 Pipettor/Unit

Cat #: 72-714
RICCA Chemical R7355000-20F Sodium Hydroxide, 0.1142 Normal, 0.1142 Normal, 20 L Cubitainer/Unit
0.1142 Normal
20 L Cubitainer/Unit

Cat #: GS1-6553
ProSci 8659_S TIM-3 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: GS1-2921
ProSci 3073_S PAK6 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 60-3271
Sartorius MCA66P-3S00-D QP1 QP3 Cubis® II High-Capacity Micro Balance, 0.002 mg, max. load 111 g, 1 Balance/Unit
0.002 mg, max. load 111 g
1 Balance/Unit

Cat #: 60-2014
Sartorius VFA006 Diafiltration Reservoir, 500ml Sample, 1 Reservoir/Unit
500ml Sample
1 Reservoir/Unit

Cat #: 72-335
RICCA Chemical R2249180-500A Conductivity Standard, 180000 µS/cm, (180 mS/cm) at 25°C, 500 mL Poly Natural/Unit
(180 mS/cm) at 25°C
500 mL Poly Natural/Unit

Cat #: 55-815UB
Caprico Biotechnologies 105003 CD15 Unconjugated Antibody, Clone FUT4/815, Mouse IgM,k, 500ug/Unit
Clone FUT4/815, Mouse IgM,k

Cat #: 11-358C
Zymo Research R1102 DNA/RNA Shield Lysis & Collection Tubes, Prefilled with DNA/RNA Shield, 50 tubes/Unit
Prefilled with DNA/RNA Shield
50 tubes/Unit

Cat #: 69-102
Alpha Biosciences X24-106-10kg 2xYT Brilliant Green Agar (X24-106), Alpha Biosciences, 10kg/Unit
Alpha Biosciences

Cat #: 11-331PBT
Zymo Research R2073 Direct-zol RNA MiniPrep Plus (100µg), w/ 200ml TRI-Reagent, 200 Preps/Unit
w/ 200ml TRI-Reagent
200 Preps/Unit

Cat #: 60-934
Sartorius SECURA613-1NUS Secura® Precision Balance, 610g, 1mg, 1 Balance/Unit
610g, 1mg
1 Balance/Unit
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