Recommended Products

Cat #: 45-102MC10S
Genesee Scientific 45-102MC10S 10 Tooth Comb, 0.75mm Thick, 15 x 15cm Gel Box Accessory, 1 Comb/Unit
15 x 15cm Gel Box Accessory
1 Comb/Unit

Cat #: 24-152RLC
Olympus Plastics 24-152RLC, 300µl Olympus Ergonomic Pipet Tips, Low Binding, Reload, 50 Inserts of 96 Tips/Unit
Low Binding, Reload
50 Inserts of 96 Tips/Unit

Cat #: 11-693B
Zymo Research D3004-5-30 DNA Pre-Wash Buffer, Zymo Research, 30ml/Unit
Zymo Research

Cat #: 79-512R
Haier Biomedical YDH-15-216-F Liquid Nitrogen Dryshipper Tank 15L, 216mm Opening, 1 Rack Included, 1 Canister/Unit
216mm Opening, 1 Rack Included
1 Canister/Unit

Cat #: 32-116BF
Flystuff 32-116BF Narrow Vials, Bulk Pack (PS), w/ Flugs for Narrow Vials, 6000 Vials & Closures/Unit
w/ Flugs for Narrow Vials
6000 Vials & Closures/Unit

Cat #: 93-294
Heathrow Scientific HS23471B 2-Glove Box Holder, Acrylic, Clear, 2 Holder/Unit
Acrylic, Clear
2 Holder/Unit

Cat #: GS1-3369
ProSci 3755_S BMI-1 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: GS1-5504
ProSci 6801_S TFEB Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: GS1-867
ProSci 4615 UROP11 Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 60-3204
Sartorius MCA66S-3S00-D QP4 MDS Cubis® II High-Capacity Micro Balance, 0.001 mg, max. load 61 g, 1 Balance/Unit
0.001 mg, max. load 61 g
1 Balance/Unit

Cat #: 09-153
DWK Life Sciences 227497-14G 300 mL BOD Btl, 313 - 336, Gls P-Head St, WHEATON®, 24/Unit
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