Recommended Products

Cat #: 60-627
Sartorius SDLV-0150-05E0-2, Sartoclear Dynamics Lab V, 150 ml, 5 g, 1 Kit/Unit
150 ml, 5 g
1 Kit/Unit

Cat #: 86-1361
Eppendorf P0625-1170 Padlock Adapter Kit, For Upright Freezer Models, 1 Kit/Unit
For Upright Freezer Models
1 Kit/Unit

Cat #: 72-752
RICCA Chemical R7999200-120A Starch Indicator, 0.2% (w/v), 0.2% (w/v) Aqueous Solution, 120 mL Poly Natural/Unit
0.2% (w/v) Aqueous Solution
120 mL Poly Natural/Unit

Cat #: GS1-3799
ProSci 4399_S ATG10 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 11-306A
Zymo Research D4023 ZR-96 DNA Clean & Concentrator-5, PCR Purification Kit, 5µg/Well, 2 x 96 Preps/Unit
PCR Purification Kit, 5µg/Well
2 x 96 Preps/Unit

Cat #: 37-400P1K
Gilson F123606 PIPETMAN F1000, 1000ul, Fixed Volume, 1 Pipettor/Unit
1000ul, Fixed Volume
1 Pipettor/Unit

Cat #: 41-740
OHAUS 30391448 Individual Weight, 300g, ASTM 1, NVLAP Certified, 1 Weight/Unit
ASTM 1, NVLAP Certified
1 Weight/Unit

Cat #: 11-434A
Zymo Research D5006-2 M-Dilution Buffer-Gold, Zymo Research, 7 ml/Unit
Zymo Research
7 ml/Unit

Cat #: 11-356B
Zymo Research R1039 ZR Urine RNA Isolation Kit, Zymo Research, 50 Preps/Unit
Zymo Research
50 Preps/Unit

Cat #: 72-847
RICCA Chemical R9300000-1C Water Hardness Indicator, 0.5% (w/v), 0.5% (w/v), 1 L Amber Glass/Unit
0.5% (w/v)
1 L Amber Glass/Unit

Cat #: 75-282
Eisco CH200000PK12 Heavy Duty Glass Beakers, Graduated, 50ml - 5mm Thick Walls, 12 Beakers/Unit
50ml - 5mm Thick Walls
12 Beakers/Unit

Cat #: 60-3108
Sartorius MCA66S-3S00-D MDS Cubis® II High-Capacity Micro Balance, 0.001 mg, max. load 61 g, 1 Balance/Unit
0.001 mg, max. load 61 g
1 Balance/Unit
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