Recommended Products

Cat #: 86-1181
Eppendorf M1231-2010 Gable Cover, Plexiglas®, For Innova 3100 Water Bath, 1 Cover/Unit
For Innova 3100 Water Bath
1 Cover/Unit

Cat #: 11-737
Zymo Research R1211 DNA/RNA Shield SafeCollectTM Saliva Collection Kit, Sample Collection, 1 Collection Kit/Unit
Sample Collection
1 Collection Kit/Unit

Cat #: 11-601A
Zymo Research D4307 ZymoBIOMICS 96 DNA Kit (No Lysis Matrix), Zymo Research, 2 x 96 Preps/Unit
Zymo Research
2 x 96 Preps/Unit

Cat #: 24-285BK
Olympus Plastics 24-285BK, Olympus 5ml Centrifuge Tubes, Opaque Black Natural, Polypropylene, 50/Bag, 200 Tubes/Unit
Natural, Polypropylene
50/Bag, 200 Tubes/Unit

Cat #: 35-747
Ahlstrom 6318-0710 Grade 631 Thin Paper, 7 x 10cm, 0.23mm, 100 Sheets/Unit
7 x 10cm, 0.23mm
100 Sheets/Unit

Cat #: 60-378
Sartorius LH-721683 Adapter A32 PP, for Prospenser Plus, 1 Adapter/Unit
For Prospenser Plus
1 Adapter/Unit

Cat #: 11-536
Zymo Research E2003 ZymoTaq PreMix, Zymo Research, 50 Rxns/Unit
Zymo Research
50 Rxns/Unit

Cat #: 42-133
Apex Bioresearch Products 42-133 Apex 2X Taq Master Mix, Clear, 1.5mM MgCl2 (Final Conc.), 100 Reactions/Unit
1.5mM MgCl2 (Final Conc.)
100 Reactions/Unit

Cat #: 09-151
DWK Life Sciences 227497-13G 300 mL BOD Btl, 289 - 312, Gls P-Head St, WHEATON®, 24/Unit

Cat #: 18-200
Apex Bioresearch Products 18-200 Boric Acid, Molecular/Proteomic Grade, 500g/Unit
Molecular/Proteomic Grade

Cat #: GS1-7003
ProSci RF16010 CTLA4 Detection Set (Risk Free), ProSci, 1 Set/Unit
1 Set/Unit
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