Recommended Products

Cat #: 25-213
GenClone 25-213, Suspension Flasks, 50ml, Vent Surface Area: 25.0cm2, 10 per Sleeve, 200 Flasks/Unit
Surface Area: 25.0cm2
10 per Sleeve, 200 Flasks/Unit

Cat #: GS1-1029
ProSci 5059 CDIP Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: GS1-6702
ProSci 9685_S SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Spike 156-157EF Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 09-1208
DWK Life Sciences W225763 13Mm H/P Flip-Off Crimping Jaw Set, WHEATON®, 1/Unit

Cat #: 35-576
Ahlstrom 6150-2400 Qualitative Filter Papers, Standard, Grade 615, 24cm, 100/Unit
Grade 615, 24cm

Cat #: 60-297
Sartorius H2O-E-PACK Arium® Elemental Kit, 1 Kit/Unit
1 Kit/Unit

Cat #: 55-253
Polyplus-transfection 201000001 jetOPTIMUS® Buffer, For use w/ jetOPTIMUS reagent, 60ml / Unit
For use w/ jetOPTIMUS reagent
60ml / Unit

Cat #: 60-1279
Sartorius YWP01SQP Weighing Pan 90mm Set SQP 5 Digit, 1 Pan/Unit
1 Pan/Unit

Cat #: 11-386HB
Zymo Research D3018 Quick-DNA Viral 96 Kit, Zymo Research, 4 x 96 Preps/Unit
Zymo Research
4 x 96 Preps/Unit

Cat #: 27-517SM
Genesee Scientific 27-517SM Sticky Mat 140 x 140mm, Incubator Shaker Accessory, 1 Sticky Mat/Unit
Incubator Shaker Accessory
1 Sticky Mat/Unit

Cat #: 91-301
BrandTech Scientific 20727203 BVC Fluid Aspiration System, Control, 4L PP Collection Vessel, 1 Aspiration System/Unit
4L PP Collection Vessel
1 Aspiration System/Unit
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