Cat #: 55-135

Polyplus-transfection 101000056 jetMESSENGER® mRNA Transfection Reagent, with 10 ml Buffer, 100 µl/unit

Polyplus-transfection 101000056 jetMESSENGER
Polyplus-transfection 101000056 jetMESSENGER
Polyplus-transfection 101000056 jetMESSENGER
Polyplus-transfection 101000056 jetMESSENGER
Polyplus-transfection 101000056 jetMESSENGER
Polyplus-transfection 101000056 jetMESSENGER
Polyplus-transfection 101000056 jetMESSENGER
Polyplus-transfection 101000056 jetMESSENGER
Polyplus-transfection 101000056 jetMESSENGER

Cat #: 55-135

Polyplus-transfection 101000056 jetMESSENGER® mRNA Transfection Reagent, with 10 ml Buffer, 100 µl/unit

with 10 ml Buffer

100 µl/unit

Brand: Polyplus-transfection

  • Unmatched transfection efficiency
  • High efficiency on a wide variety of difficult to transfect cells
  • Outperform DNA transfection by switching to mRNA
  • Extremely gentle on cells
  • No risk of genome integration
  • Perfectly suited for CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, iPS generation, stem cell differentiation and immunotherapy assays


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List Price: $92.80
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with 10 ml Buffer

100 µl/unit

Brand: Polyplus-transfection

  • Unmatched transfection efficiency
  • High efficiency on a wide variety of difficult to transfect cells
  • Outperform DNA transfection by switching to mRNA
  • Extremely gentle on cells
  • No risk of genome integration
  • Perfectly suited for CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, iPS generation, stem cell differentiation and immunotherapy assays

jetMESSENGER™ is a mRNA transfection reagent that has been specifically designed to offer outstanding transfection efficiency in cells that are usually hard to transfect, allowing relevant gene expression experiments in all cell types.

jetMESSENGER™ has been designed to transfect cells that are slow dividing or that have developed specific mechanisms such as primary cells, neurons, suspension cells and various cancer cell lines. jetMESSENGER™ enables to transfect these cells, called hard to transfect cells, but also easy to transfect cell types. jetMESSENGER™ is very gentle for cells and enables to keep a very high cell viability during your experiment. Ordering information: 1,5 ml jetMESSENGER™ reagent is sufficient to perform ~375 transfections in 6-well plates. Bulk quantities are available upon request, please contact us for more details.

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Product Selection Guide

Delivered Molecules
Cell types
Recommended use
In vitro
jetOPTIMUS® Hard to transfect cells Research purpose
jetPRIME® Research purpose
INTERFERin® RNA interference
jetMESSENGER® Hard-to-transfect cells Research purpose
jetCRISPR® CRISPR/Cas9 experiment
jetPEI® High Throughput Screening Research purpose
jetPEI®-Macrophage Primary macrophages, glial & dendritic cells Cell specific
jetPEI®-Hepatocyte Primary Hepatocytes Cell specific
PULSin Proteofection
Plasmid DNA
Recommended use
In vivo
in vivo-jetRNA® in vivo mRNA transfection
in vivo-jetPEI® in vivo transfection to all organs
in vivo-jetPEI®-Man in vivo delivery to mannose-receptor expressing tissue
in vivo-jetPEI®-Gal in vivo delivery to liver
jetSI 10 mM siRNA transfection to brain