Recommended Products

Cat #: 90-109ECO
BioCision BCS-503-CO, Extension Collar, for CoolBox 2XT, Orange for CoolBox 2XT, 1 Extension Collar/Unit
for CoolBox 2XT
1 Extension Collar/Unit

Cat #: 11-250
Zymo Research T2001 Frozen-EZ Yeast Transformation II Kit, Zymo Research, 120 Rxns/Unit
Zymo Research
120 Rxns/Unit

Cat #: 60-3370
Sartorius MCA66P-3S00-D QP1 QP2 QP3 ION Cubis® II High-Capacity Micro Balance, 0.01 mg, max. load 12, 61 g, 1 Balance/Unit
0.01 mg, max. load 12, 61 g
1 Balance/Unit

Cat #: 60-1151
Sartorius YAW04 Glass Bell Jar and Support Plate, for 10kg, 1 Jar/Unit
For 10kg
1 Jar/Unit

Cat #: 37-207P200T
Gilson FA10011T PIPETMAN L P8x200L, 8 Channel, 20 - 200ul, 1 Pipettor/Unit
8 Channel, 20 - 200ul
1 Pipettor/Unit

Cat #: 17-502DP
PCR Biosystems PB20.12-51 qPCRBIO SyGreen Mix Hi-ROX, 50 x 1ml Master Mix, 5000 x 20ul Rxns/Unit
50 x 1ml Master Mix
5000 x 20ul Rxns/Unit

Cat #: 86-1819
Eppendorf 30124545 PCR-rack, Eppendorf # 0030124545, 10 Racks/Unit
Eppendorf # 0030124545
10 Racks/Unit

Cat #: 09-1554
DWK Life Sciences 242502 8-425 Dropper Tip Cap, PP Red, WHEATON®, 100/Unit

Cat #: 17-208
PCR Biosystems PB10.43-01 VeriFi Mix, Clear, Long Range and High Fidelity, 100 Reactions/Unit
Long Range and High Fidelity
100 Reactions/Unit

Cat #: GS1-2143
ProSci 8411 Control Normal Llama IgG (Total), ProSci, 1 mg/Unit
1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 09-1613
DWK Life Sciences W242520-A 15-415 Dropper Tip Cap, PP Wht, WHEATON®, 1000/Unit

Cat #: 60-1279
Sartorius YWP01SQP Weighing Pan 90mm Set SQP 5 Digit, 1 Pan/Unit
1 Pan/Unit
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