Recommended Products

Cat #: 86-1610
Eppendorf 951032204 DWP 96/500, PCRclean, WHITE, Eppendorf # 951032204, 120 Plates/Unit
Eppendorf # 951032204
120 Plates/Unit

Cat #: 60-1520
Sartorius 1EE---0012 Power Supply, For Microsart® e.jet, 1 Power Supply/Unit
For Microsart eJet
1 Power Supply/Unit

Cat #: 09-1033
DWK Life Sciences WPFPC0250S Shake Flask PC, 250mL Flat base, Sterile, WHEATON®, 12/Unit

Cat #: 25-752
QBI 114-057-101CS 1X DPBS without Calcium & Magnesium, DPBS w/o Ca & Mg 500ml 10/CS, 10 x 500 mL/Unit
DPBS w/o Ca & Mg 500ml 10/CS
10 x 500 mL/Unit

Cat #: 77-420G
Hettich 420BOTTLE-400-BC, ROTINA 420, BOTTLE-400-BC, Non-refrigerated, exchangeable rotors, 4 x 400ml, Lids
Non-refrigerated, exchangeable rotors
4 x 400ml, Lids

Cat #: 60-3181
Sartorius MCA36P-3S00-D QP3 HWL Cubis® II High-Capacity Micro Balance, 0.01 mg, max. load 10.1, 32 g, 1 Balance/Unit
0.01 mg, max. load 10.1, 32 g
1 Balance/Unit

Cat #: 11-397B
Zymo Research D4069 Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus Kit, Zymo Research, 200 Preps/Unit
Zymo Research
200 Preps/Unit

Cat #: 33-135
Benchmark Scientific Z600-OL-INS Spare Inserts for Z600-OL-BUK, Benchmark Scientific, 2 Inserts/Unit
Benchmark Scientific
2 Inserts/Unit

Cat #: 86-2845
Eppendorf 5391070018 Plate Adapter, Low Profile, for HeatSealer S100, 1 Adapter/Unit
for HeatSealer S100
1 Adapter/Unit

Cat #: 86-902
Eppendorf 30119487 5ml Tubes, Sterile, Clear, 200 Tubes/Unit
200 Tubes/Unit

Cat #: GS1-3429
ProSci 3819_S Bik Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit
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