Recommended Products

Cat #: 11-704B
Zymo Research E2005-1 Femto Human qPCR Premix, Zymo Research, 1.8ml/Unit
Zymo Research

Cat #: 27-387
Genesee Scientific 27-387, Rack for 96-Well Flipper Boxes Upright, 3 x 4 Configuration, 1 Rack/Unit
Upright, 3 x 4 Configuration
1 Rack/Unit

Cat #: GS1-5314
ProSci 6489_S HIG1 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 86-2141
Eppendorf 5943000343 5910 Ri Centrifuge, S-4xUniv5/15/50/Plate, 1 Centrifuge/Unit
1 Centrifuge/Unit

Cat #: GS1-2003
ProSci 7899 HDAC2 Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 86-244
Eppendorf 4861000112 Xplorer 12-Chan, 0.5-10µl, For Use With 10µl Tips, 1 Pipettor/Unit
For Use With 10µl Tips
1 Pipettor/Unit

Cat #: 11-439A
Zymo Research D5012 Universal Methylated Mouse DNA Standard, Zymo Research, 1 Standard/Unit
Zymo Research
1 Standard/Unit

Cat #: 45-100C4M
Genesee Scientific 45-100C4M 4 Tooth Comb, 1.5mm Thick, for Mini 7cm Gel Box, 1 Comb/Unit
for Mini 7cm Gel Box
1 Comb/Unit

Cat #: 33-206X
Genesee Scientific 33-206X, 100-Place Tube Storage Box with Lid, Clear Holds 1.5 - 2ml Tubes, 5 Boxes/Unit
Holds 1.5 - 2ml Tubes
5 Boxes/Unit

Cat #: GS1-6837
ProSci PM-7209_S GLUL Monoclonal Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 41-731
OHAUS 30391457 Individual Weight, 30kg, ASTM 1, NVLAP Certified, 1 Weight/Unit
ASTM 1, NVLAP Certified
1 Weight/Unit
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