Recommended Products

Cat #: 33-249
Genesee Scientific 33-249, PTFE Magnetic Stir Bar, 20x8 mm, 10 Stir Bars/Unit
20x8 mm
10 Stir Bars/Unit

Cat #: 11-601LR
Zymo Research D4303 ZymoBIOMICS 96 DNA Kit (Lysis Rack), Zymo Research, 2 x 96 Preps/Unit
Zymo Research
2 x 96 Preps/Unit

Cat #: 75-324
Eisco CHWB1020PK2 Wash Bottle for Distilled Water, 500ml, Wide Mouth, Self Venting LDPE, 2 Bottles/Unit
Wide Mouth, Self Venting LDPE
2 Bottles/Unit

Cat #: 77-630D
Hettich SILENTABLOOD6-BC, ROTO SILENTA 630RS, BLOOD6-BC, Refrigerated, exchangeable rotors, 180 x Tubes
Refrigerated, exchangeable rotors
180 x Tubes

Cat #: 33-351
Labnet International H1200A ProBlot 12, Hybridization Oven, 1 Oven/Unit
Hybridization Oven
1 Oven/Unit

Cat #: 25-915
Quality Biological Inc 351-035-721EA 3M Sodium Acetate, pH 5.2, ACETA PH5.2 3M 100ml, 1 Bottle/Unit
ACETA PH5.2 3M 100ml
1 Bottle/Unit

Cat #: 55-252
Polyplus-transfection 101000006 jetOPTIMUS® DNA Transfection Reagent, with 4 x 60ml Buffer, 1.5ml/Unit
with 4 x 60ml Buffer

Cat #: 60-1290
Sartorius 11106--50----ACN Cellulose Acetate (CA) Membrane Filter, White Sterile 0.45µm, 50mm, 100 Filters/Unit
White Sterile 0.45µm, 50mm
100 Filters/Unit

Cat #: 20-279
Apex Bioresearch Products 20-279 Apex Powdered Agar, 50kg, Bacteriological Grade, 50kg/Unit
Bacteriological Grade

Cat #: 95-977
Beckman Coulter C63444, ALLEGRA V-15R BIOSAFE PACKAGE, 120V, 60HZ, 1 Centrifuge Bundle/Unit
120V, 60HZ
1 Centrifuge Bundle/Unit

Cat #: 60-1922
Sartorius S7598------FX--Q Minisart® NML, 0.45µm, 28mm, 500 Filters/Unit
0.45µm, 28mm
500 Filters/Unit
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