Recommended Products

Cat #: 17-609B
PCR Biosystems PB25.53-03 4x qPCRBIO Probe 1-Step Virus Detect No-ROX, 3 x 1ml Mix & 1 x 600ul RTase, 600 x 20ul Rxns/Unit
3 x 1ml Mix & 1 x 600ul RTase
600 x 20ul Rxns/Unit

Cat #: 86-300X2
Eppendorf 4967000065 Varispenser 2x, 10 - 100ml, Bottle Top Dispenser, 1 Dispenser/Unit
Bottle Top Dispenser
1 Dispenser/Unit

Cat #: 33-336
Labnet International I-5222-DS Benchtop Shaking Incubator, Model 222DS, 1 Incubator/Unit
Model 222DS
1 Incubator/Unit

Cat #: 32-121BC
Flystuff 32-121BC Wide Vials, Bulk Pack (PP), w/ Cotton Balls, Extra Large, 2000 Vials & Closures/Unit
w/ Cotton Balls, Extra Large
2000 Vials & Closures/Unit

Cat #: 17-601C
PCR Biosystems PB25.12-12 qPCRBIO SyGreen 1-Step Detect Hi-ROX, 12 x 1ml Mix & 12 x 200ul RTase, 1200 x 20ul Rxns/Unit
12 x 1ml Mix & 12 x 200ul RTase
1200 x 20ul Rxns/Unit

Cat #: 72-344
RICCA Chemical R2543000-120B Cyanide Standard, 1000 ppm CN, 120 mL Amber Poly/Unit
1000 ppm CN
120 mL Amber Poly/Unit

Cat #: 72-234
RICCA Chemical R1580000-10F Buffer, Reference Standard, pH 8.00, pH 8.00 ± 0.01 at 25°C, 10 L Cubitainer/Unit
pH 8.00 ± 0.01 at 25°C
10 L Cubitainer/Unit

Cat #: 35-394
Ahlstrom 1690-1250 Binder-Free Glass Microfiber Filters, Grade 169, 12.5cm, 100/Unit
Grade 169, 12.5cm

Cat #: GS1-5978
ProSci 7503_S IL-1F10 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 41-343
OHAUS 30100605 AX223 Precision Balance 220g, 1mg Readability, 1 Precision Balance/Unit
1mg Readability
1 Precision Balance/Unit

Cat #: 37-700P5K
Gilson F81046 PIPETMAN M P5000M BT CONNECTED, 500 - 5000ul, 1 Pipettor/Unit
500 - 5000ul
1 Pipettor/Unit
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