Recommended Products

Cat #: 75-179
Eisco CH0356A, 250ml Polypropylene Measuring Jug 10ml Molded Graduations, 1 Jug/Unit
10ml Molded Graduations
1 Jug/Unit

Cat #: 86-2791
Eppendorf 5910757000 Adapter 750mL, For S-4xUniv Rotor, 2 Adapters/Unit
For S-4xUniv Rotor
2 Adapters/Unit

Cat #: GS1-6979
ProSci RF10001-05 Lymph Node Lysate, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 42-196
Apex Bioresearch Products 42-196 Apex Hot Start Taq, 2500u, Buffers I & II (Mg Free), 5 x 500u/Unit
Buffers I & II (Mg Free)
5 x 500u/Unit

Cat #: 33-413P150
Labnet International P3900-150 150ul Labpette FX Pipettor, Fixed Volume, 1 Pipettor/Unit
Fixed Volume
1 Pipettor/Unit

Cat #: GS1-4559
ProSci 5445_S Mimitin Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 60-901
Sartorius S6596------FMOSK Minisart® HY PTFE Syringe Filter, 0.2µm, 26mm FM eo-ster, 50 Filters/Unit
0.2µm, 26mm FM eo-ster
50 Filters/Unit

Cat #: GS1-2343
ProSci 1113_S Trail Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 33-758
Benchmark Scientific Z207-M Z207-M Microcentrifuge, Without Rotor, 1 Centrifuge/Unit
Without Rotor
1 Centrifuge/Unit

Cat #: 59-122BC
Flystuff 59-122BC Benchtop Flowbuddy Complete, With Standard Flypad, 1 System/Unit
With Standard Flypad
1 System/Unit

Cat #: 60-1830
Sartorius 1ZGL--0033 Bottle Holder, For Sterisart® Universal Pump, 1 Holder/Unit
For Sterisart Universal Pump
1 Holder/Unit

Cat #: 86-1127
Eppendorf M1190-9907 Utility Carrier, For Innova 2050, 1 Carrier/Unit
For Innova 2050
1 Carrier/Unit
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