Recommended Products

Cat #: 37-212P300
Gilson FP10015S MyPipetman Select P8x300, 20 - 300µl, 1 Pipette/Unit
20 - 300µl
1 Pipette/Unit

Cat #: 17-809C
PCR Biosystems PB25.94-05 Clara® Inhibitor-Tolerant Probe 1-Step Mix Separate-Rox, 1000 Rxns, 1000 Rxns/Unit
1000 Rxns
1000 Rxns/Unit

Cat #: 86-1197
Eppendorf M1250-9904 Sticky Pad Platform, 30 x 18in., 1 Platform/Unit
30 x 18in.
1 Platform/Unit

Cat #: 59-120
Flystuff 59-120 FlyStuff Flypad Frame, Large Size, White Acrylic, 1 Frame/Unit
White Acrylic
1 Frame/Unit

Cat #: 33-338
Labnet International I-4001-HCS AccuTherm Microtube Shaking Incubator, 120V, 1 Shaking Incubator/Unit
1 Shaking Incubator/Unit

Cat #: GS1-3771
ProSci 4367_S TEM4 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 33-222R2
Labnet International H1212-40VA Rotiserrie for 16x50ml tubes, for LabRoller Rotator, 1 Rotiserrie/Unit
for LabRoller Rotator
1 Rotiserrie/Unit

Cat #: 86-572
Eppendorf 022638220 16 x 1.5/2ml Adapters, For 250ml Rectangular Buckets, 2 Adapters/Unit
For 250ml Rectangular Buckets
2 Adapters/Unit

Cat #: 21-419
MTC Bio C2607 15mL Centrifuge Tubes, EcoPlastic Rack with Screw Cap, 500 Tubes/Unit
EcoPlastic Rack with Screw Cap
500 Tubes/Unit

Cat #: 13-034
Intact Genomics 1212-24 ig® 10B DH10B, Electrocompetent Cells, 12 x 50µl/Unit
Electrocompetent Cells
12 x 50µl/Unit

Cat #: 91-209
BrandTech Scientific 20734203 VACUUBRAND ME8C NT Vacuump Pump, 100-120V, US Plug, 1 Vacuum Pump/Unit
100-120V, US Plug
1 Vacuum Pump/Unit
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