Recommended Products

Cat #: 11-445F
Zymo Research D5021-7 M-Solubilization Buffer, Zymo Research, 18 ml/Unit
Zymo Research
18 ml/Unit

Cat #: 27-517FC250
Genesee Scientific 27-517FC250 Flask Clamp 250ml, Incubator Shaker Accessory, 1 Flask Clamp/Unit
Incubator Shaker Accessory
1 Flask Clamp/Unit

Cat #: 36-312
Analytik Jena 20-1985-01 UVP PCR Shelf, UVP Workstation Accessories, 1 Shelf/Unit
UVP Workstation Accessories
1 Shelf/Unit

Cat #: 59-30P36
Wormstuff 59-30P36 WormStuff Worm Pick Tips (36), 99.95% Pt, 30 Gauge, 36 Tips/Unit
99.95% Pt, 30 Gauge
36 Tips/Unit

Cat #: 18-204
Apex Bioresearch Products 18-204 DTT, Molecular/Proteomic Grade, 25g/Unit
Molecular/Proteomic Grade

Cat #: 60-380
Sartorius LH-721685 Adapter A38/430 PP, for Prospenser Plus, 1 Adapter/Unit
For Prospenser Plus
1 Adapter/Unit

Cat #: 33-220
Labnet International S0500 GyroMini Nutating 3D Mixer, With Dimpled Rubber Mat, 1 Mixer/Unit
With Dimpled Rubber Mat
1 Mixer/Unit

Cat #: GS1-6935
ProSci PSI-1807 TLR Adaptor Detection Set, ProSci, 1 Set/Unit
1 Set/Unit

Cat #: 76-114
BlueRay BRDC-0000 EzDecap Automated Screw Cap Decapper, Cap Diameter 11 - 40 mm, 1 EzDecap/Unit
Cap Diameter 11 - 40 mm
1 EzDecap/Unit

Cat #: 18-194B
Quality Biological 18-149B Molecular Biology Water, Sterile, 500ml/Unit
Molecular Biology Grade

Cat #: GS1-3207
ProSci 3517_S PTEN Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit
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