Recommended Products
Cat #: 13-106
Intact Genomics 1075-18 ATCC15834, Chemically Competent Agrobacterium, 18 x 50µl/Unit
Chemically Competent Agrobacterium
18 x 50µl/Unit
Cat #: GS1-6748
ProSci PM-4717 Hax1a Antibody [8F9G7] , ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit
Cat #: 86-1221
Eppendorf M1282-9922 Photosynthetic Light Bank, For Innova 44R, 1 Light Bank/Unit
For Innova 44R
1 Light Bank/Unit
Cat #: 72-314
RICCA Chemical R2243000-1A Conductivity/TDS Standard, 1 mS/cm, (1000 µmho/cm) at 25°C, 1 L Poly Natural/Unit
(1000 µmho/cm) at 25°C
1 L Poly Natural/Unit
Cat #: 55-816JB
Caprico Biotechnologies 1014145 CD16 mFluor 450 Antibody, Clone 3G8, Mouse IgG1,k, 100 Tests/Unit
Clone 3G8, Mouse IgG1,k
100 Tests/Unit
Cat #: GS1-269
ProSci 2267 AIF Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit
Cat #: GS1-3285
ProSci 3611_S Beclin-1 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit
Cat #: 09-1288
DWK Life Sciences 63A55P 5-3/4in Plugged,Soda Lime,Pasteur,Sterile, KIMBLE®, 250/Unit
Cat #: 33-207C050
Labnet International S2040-50 Clamp, 50ml Erlenmeyer Flask, Shaker Accessory, 1 Clamp/Unit
Shaker Accessory
1 Clamp/Unit
Cat #: 25-728
QBI 112-132-101 DMEM without Phenol Red, GLutamine, with High Glucose and Sodium Pyruvate, Hi Gluc, w/o L-Glut, Phen Red, 500 mL/Unit
Hi Gluc, w/o L-Glut, Phen Red
500 mL/Unit
Cat #: 35-213
Ahlstrom 0540-1500 Quantitative Filter Papers - Ashless, Grade 54, 15cm, 100/Unit
Grade 54, 15cm
Cat #: 42-134B
Apex Bioresearch Products 42-134B Apex 2X Taq Master Mix, Clear, 1.5mM MgCl2 (Final Conc.), 1000 Reactions/Unit
1.5mM MgCl2 (Final Conc.)
1000 Reactions/Unit
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